Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Module 4-1

After reading some other blogs about cell phones this reminded me the of a similar issue with phones. The phone known as the Chocolate is supposed to be known as the newest and greatest design to cell phones. Unlike the razor, you can retrieve emails, download MP3's and make it your MP3 player! Not only that, it's a slider and looks like an IPOD! You can add memory in it for even more storage. I just happened to find out the hard way, they are junk! You simply put the phone in your pocket and the sensitive buttons will get pushed and call someone you didn't mean to call. The keys are so small; you can never type in a number without hitting the other buttons. I also found out there are more complaints about this phone, then any other phone Verizon has to offer. I tried to fight them and get a replacement, but they will only replace it if I purchase a new phone at retail cost. What happened about making the customer happy? The phone just simply has poor design and features caught the people’s attention. I can assure you, there will be fewer sales on this phone in the next year.
